Randi Wasik

Nominee for Region III Chair-Elect

Executive Director, University of Louisville School of Medicine

Resume (PDF)

Leadership Statement

Leadership, to me, is the ability to inspire and empower others to achieve their fullest potential while working collectively towards common goals. It is about fostering a sense of purpose, building trust, and cultivating an environment where every team member feels valued and motivated. My vision of leadership is grounded in integrity, empathy, and a commitment to continuous growth.

Leading with honesty and transparency is fundamental. I believe that trust is the cornerstone of effective leadership, and it is built through consistent and ethical behavior. I strive to make decisions that reflect my values and stand by them, even in the face of challenges.  Understanding and valuing the perspectives and feelings of others is crucial. In tandem, I am committed to lifelong learning and development, both for myself and those I lead. Encouraging a culture of continuous improvement and providing opportunities for professional and personal growth are essential aspects of my leadership philosophy.

My leadership style is collaborative and transformational. I believe in the power of teamwork and the collective intelligence of a group. By fostering open communication and encouraging diverse viewpoints, I aim to create a dynamic and innovative environment. Transformational leadership involves inspiring and motivating others to exceed their own expectations and to embrace change as a pathway to growth.

I prioritize building strong relationships and fostering a sense of community within the team. By involving team members in decision-making processes and valuing their input, I ensure that everyone feels ownership and accountability for our collective success.  I strive to be a role model, demonstrating passion and commitment in all endeavors. By setting a positive example and maintaining a clear vision, I aim to inspire others to pursue excellence and embrace their roles with enthusiasm.

As a leader, my primary goal is to create a positive and impactful work environment where every team member can thrive. I aspire to:

  • Cultivate Talent: By identifying and nurturing the strengths of each team member, I aim to build a high-performing team that is motivated and engaged.
  • Drive Innovation: Encouraging creativity and embracing new ideas are crucial for continuous improvement and staying ahead in a competitive landscape. I will foster a culture of innovation where experimentation and learning from failures are valued.
  • Promote Diversity and Inclusion: I am dedicated to creating an inclusive workplace where diversity is celebrated, and everyone feels a sense of belonging. This involves implementing equitable practices and championing initiatives that support underrepresented groups.
  • Lead with Purpose: Ensuring that our work aligns with our core values and contributes positively to society is essential. I will strive to lead with a sense of purpose, making decisions that reflect our commitment to social responsibility and ethical behavior.

Leadership is a journey of growth, learning, and service. It requires a deep understanding of oneself and a genuine commitment to the well-being and development of others. My leadership philosophy is rooted in integrity, empathy, and a dedication to fostering a collaborative and inclusive environment. By leading with these principles, I aim to inspire and empower others to achieve their fullest potential and contribute to our shared success.

Diversity & Inclusion Statement

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) are essential values that shape my personal and professional life. My commitment to DEI stems from a deep understanding of its transformative power in creating a more just and thriving society. This statement serves to articulate my perspective on DEI, highlighting the experiences and beliefs that underpin my dedication to fostering environments where everyone can succeed, regardless of their background.

Diversity brings a wealth of perspectives, ideas, and experiences that enrich our communities and workplaces. In my academic and professional journey, collaborating with individuals from various cultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds has broadened my horizons and challenged me to think more critically and creatively.

In my career, I have been an active teacher and mentor.  I have striven to understand the diverse cultures that comprise the fabric of our nation.  What has been their journey, what has been their challenges, what do we need to do to overcome preconceived notions of the amazing people on our teams and who we want to attract to our teams.  The work of moving to a better personal understanding and translating this into a system requires us to be mindful of the painful history and issues around race and gender discrimination.  From slavery to disrespect of the tribal nations, to not embracing those around us who perhaps do not reflect the cultures we grew up in – the first step forward is understanding.

As leaders we need to remove the barriers and ensure that we are supporting all team members and students for their success which in turn will lead to the institution’s success.  We must create a welcoming environment.  We must engage in dialogues which are fluid, respectful and forward looking.  We must understand these conversations are routed in a very emotional area of our psyche requiring us to work on-goingly to ensure positive growth and development.  By welcoming and embracing the amazing diversity on our campuses, we grow even stronger.  As they say many hands make light work.  I view the support of including all makes us stronger, more visionary, and more prepared for this ever-changing world we live in.

In my professional life, I strive to integrate DEI principles into all aspects of my work. Whether it is through developing inclusive hiring practices, designing equitable policies, or fostering a workplace culture that celebrates diversity, I am dedicated to creating spaces where everyone can succeed. I believe that organizations that prioritize DEI are not only more innovative and resilient but also better equipped to serve their communities and stakeholders.

It is our responsibility as leaders to the current workforce and students as well as to those who are to come, to continue to improve our efforts to support diverse and inclusive environments.  We must actively engage in our communities to create pipelines, engagement, and awareness.  When I lived in Seattle, I volunteered with Seattle MESA sitting on presentation panels for junior high students who are interested in science.  In Worcester I have done outreach into junior highs to work with young women on career pathways and what they have to do to achieve goals, helping set pathways and realistic goals as steppingstones.   I have taught in NCURA with peers on the topic of unconscious bias.  I been through a training series here at the UofL on DEI and the complexities of being an active partner.  I have watched and supported NCURA’s journey into not only verbally supporting DEI, but also actively supporting initiatives and ensuring DEI is part of NCURA’s fabric.  I want to see this not only continue, but to grow through initiatives, education and scholarship.  DEI principles guide my actions and aspirations, both personally and professionally, as I strive to contribute to a more just and inclusive society.