Proposed Bylaws Amendments

Dear Region III Members,

Updates to our bylaws language are proposed for consistency with National NCURA’s administrative policies and language. Amendments to the bylaws must be presented to the Region III membership not less than 30 days prior to a vote for approval. The changes are included below for review. A ballot will be sent to the membership after the requisite number of days.

The changes are as follows:

  • Paragraph 1 of Interpretation of Bylaws section has been updated to allow the executive committee to update the bylaws to ensure consistency with National’s articles of incorporation, bylaws, or administrative policies without a vote of the membership.  

Curent Language:

No part of the Bylaws, or interpretation thereof or amendment thereto, shall be valid if it is in conflict with the National Bylaws. The Bylaws can be amended without membership vote when required to ensure compatibility with the NCURA Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws.

Proposed Language:

No part of the Bylaws, or interpretation thereof or amendment thereto, shall be valid if it is in conflict with the National Bylaws. The Bylaws can be amended without membership vote when required to ensure compatibility with the NCURA Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, and Administrative Policies.

  • The change to the Officers section corrects the use of the word Officer in reference to the Regionally Elected Board Member, which has always been a non-voting role per NCURA policy. This is also clarified in the Committees section of the bylaws. 

Current Language:

Region III shall be governed by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the elected officers listed below. No person can serve as a Regional Officer and a National Officer simultaneously, either full term or partial term. Descriptions and terms of each office are located in the posted Region III Administrative Procedures Page.

– Chair
– Chair-Elect
– Immediate Past Chair
– Treasurer
– Treasurer-Elect
– Secretary
– Regionally-elected NCURA Board Member

Current Language:

The Executive Committee assists the chair in directing the activities of the region.

Proposed Language:

Region III shall be governed by the elected officers listed below. No person can serve as a Regional Officer and a National Officer simultaneously, either full term or partial term. Descriptions and terms of each office are located in the posted Region III Administrative Procedures Page.

Immediate Past Chair

Proposed Language:

The Executive Committee assists the chair in directing the activities of the region. The Executive Committee includes the Officers as well as other non-voting members such as the Regionally-elected National NCURA Board Member.

  • Other minor language changes are also proposed for accuracy and consistency in terminology, e.g., “committee chair” to “committee coordinator,” “administrative policies” to “administrative procedures,” and “his/her” to “their.” These changes can be seen on page 2 of the PDF available for download above.