The NCURA Region III Bylaws have not undergone substantial changes in four (4) years. The Executive Committee leadership recognized the need to clarify the positions, roles and voting procedures. Below is a summary of the proposed modifications:

  1. Removal of the Treasurer-Elect as a Voting Member of the Executive Committee. Previously, the Treasurer-Elect was included as a voting member of the Executive Committee. However, since the Treasurer serves a two-year term, the Treasurer-Elect position only exists every other year, leading to inconsistencies in voting. After discussions with former Chairs, it became clear that this inclusion was not fully understood. This revision corrects this by specifying that the Treasurer-Elect’s role is to shadow the current Treasurer during their final year, without voting rights on the Executive Committee.
  2. Clarification of Vacancies and Elections: The bylaws now clarify which vacancies require filling and how they should be addressed based on timing. The only offices that require an election or appointment by the current Chair are Treasurer-Elect, Chair-Elect, Secretary and Regionally-elected Board Member. If a vacancy occurs in the Chair or Treasurer positions, the respective Elects will move into those roles. If there are no Elects in place, an election will be held to fill both positions.
  3. Removal of Candidate Number Requirements. Previously, a minimum number of candidates was required for nominations and elections, sometimes resulting in only one candidate being presented. To maintain leadership continuity, the bylaws will no longer specify a required number of candidates. Instead, the Nominations and Elections Committee will aim to present as many qualified candidates as possible.
  4. Change in Language from Chairperson to Coordinator. All Committees are led by appointed Committee Coordinators. The bylaws have been updated to reflect this title change, ensuring clarity in the position’s role. 

Language in pink text indicates proposed changes. Proposed additions to the language are underlined, while proposed omissions are represented with strikethrough text. There is a 30-day period for any comments concerning the proposed changes. The comment period closed on October 6, 2024, and a vote will be sent out to the regional membership.

Region III Bylaws with Proposed Edits

Updated September 2024 August 2020


The name of this organization shall be Region III or the Southeastern Region of the National Council of University Research Administrators (NCURA). In conformity with NCURA national organization/national bylaws, the purpose of Region III is to serve its members and advance the field of research administration through education and professional development programs, the sharing of knowledge and experience, and by fostering a professional, collegial, and respected community.


Membership is determined by being a member in good standing of NCURA. The types of membership offered include those defined in the NCURA bylaws. Membership in Region III is determined by geographic location as designated by NCURA. Membership entitles an individual to the rights and privileges of membership in accordance with NCURA bylaws and administrative policies.


Region III shall be governed by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the elected officers listed below (voting authority listed accordingly). No person can serve as a Regional Officer and a National Officer simultaneously, either full term or partial term. Descriptions and terms of each office are located in the posted Region III Administrative Procedures Page.

Voting Members

  • Chair
  • Chair-Elect
  • Immediate Past Chair
  • Treasurer
  • Treasurer-Elect
  • Secretary

Non-Voting and/or Ad hoc/Advisory Members

  • Treasurer-Elect
  • Regionally-elected NCURA Board Member

Additionally, the Executive Committee may appoint other non-voting members, as needed.


Executive Committee: The Executive Committee assists the chair in directing the activities of the region.

Other Committees: The Chair, in conjunction with the Executive Committee, may create other committees as appropriate, and appoint members in good standing, on an as-needed basis to assist and/or perform tasks to facilitate regional business and activities. Standing Committees of Region III are defined in the Region III Administrative Policies.


The process of nominating and electing the offices of Chair-Elect, Treasurer-Elect (as required), Secretary and Regionally-elected Board Member shall be conducted by the Region III Nominating and Elections Committee.

  • Nominations: The Nominating and Elections Committee shall solicit nominations from the membership and shall provide at least one establish a slate of up to three candidate for consideration candidates for each office for presentation to the membership, with pertinent biographical information. Candidates must be region members in good standing, appearing on the official membership roster of the region, and must be willing to serve if elected.
  • Elections: The Nominating and Elections Committee shall distribute ballots with the slate of candidates through an electronic process available from the NCURA national office. Ballots shall be returned by the membership within 14 days. If a member is not able to vote electronically, they may contact the Chair of the Nominations and Elections Committee to vote.

Balloting tallies will be provided by NCURA and shall be considered validated. The tally shall be certified by the Coordinator Chairperson of the Nominations and Elections Committee or his/her designee to the Regional Chairperson within 7 days of the end of election. The nominee for each office receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. In the event of a tie, the Region III Executive Committee shall cast the deciding vote. The electronic ballot summary report shall be available to any region member for 30 days after announcement of election results.

  • Vacancies in Offices: In the event that the office of Chair-Elect, Treasurer-Elect, Secretary, or Regionally-elected Board Member is vacated and more than 90 days of the unexpired term remain, nominations will be solicited by the Nominating and Elections Committee from the membership and the process for regular elections shall be followed. If less than 90 days remain in the unexpired term, the Regional Chairperson, at her/his discretion, shall appoint a replacement or decline to fill the position until the next regularly scheduled election.
  • Removal of Officers: Any officer may be removed by a two-thirds vote in a recall election or two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee.


Region III shall hold two business meetings per year, one during the Annual Regional Meeting and one during the Annual National Meeting. In the event of the cancelation of a regional or national meeting, a virtual meeting may be held in place of an in-person meeting. The purpose of each business meeting is to conduct Regional business and inform the membership of the current financial status of the Region.


No part of the Bylaws, or interpretation thereof or amendment thereto, shall be valid if it is in conflict with the National Bylaws. The Bylaws can be amended without membership vote when required to ensure compatibility with the NCURA Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws.

These Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of ballots cast, provided that the proposed amendments have been presented to the Region III membership not less than 30 days prior to the vote.

The Regional Chair shall have the responsibility of interpreting the bylaws, in consultation with the Executive Committee. The Regional Chair shall rule on any questions in accordance with applicable provisions.


A published set of Administrative Procedures shall be maintained by the Chair and revised as necessary by the Region III Executive Committee. These Administrative Procedures serve as working guidelines and standard operating procedures for accomplishing specific Region III business and professional activities. These procedures are designed to be helpful to the continuity and functioning of NCURA committees and activities and are not intended to limit the creativity of individual committees or their members.